Tuesday, 3 June 2014


If you can make it to Abuja, I will like to cordially invite all of you to the upcoming International Pro-Life Conference Abuja that is scheduled to take place from June 5th-7th. It is being organized by the Culture of Life Africa and the Action Family Foundation on behalf of the Catholic Bishops' Conference of Nigeria.

 The Conference will feature a broad array of topics, facilitated by International and Nigerian speakers, on various emergent threats to human life and dignity arising from global policies and practices in healthcare, law, education, and even humanitarian aid, all embedded in a new morally-deficient culture which is destructive to life, marriage, family and faith. There will also be in-depth discussions on solid strategies that Africans can deploy to resist the corrosive affronts of the utilitarian culture which is now being aggressively promoted across the world.
Our hope is not only to execute a great conference for the Nigerian Bishops, but also to start off a solid platform from which to make a coherent response to the Culture of Death which seems to be seeping and spreading into every nation across the world.
Knowing the great passion and potential of our people and our nation, we are hoping to spark a renewed commitment to the defense of marriage, motherhood, family and most essentially human life (from the moment of conception).

I sincerely hope that you would join us in Abuja and also that you might find a way to play a role in any way you can, in propagating this mission and message of life and dignity.

EVENT: International Pro-Life Conference and March for Life Rally
VENUE: National Christian (Ecumenical) Centre, Central Area, Abuja
DATE: June 5th through to 7th, 2014 
TIME: 10AM each day
THEME: Witnessing to the Dignity of Every Human Life".
Chief Host: Archbishop Ignatius Kaigama, President of the Catholic Bishops Conference of Nigeria
special guest speaker: Congressman Chris Smith, Member of the U.S. House of Representatives who is also the Chairman of the U.S. House Subcommittee on Africa, Global Health, Global Human Rights, and International Organizations

This Message is brought to you on behalf of the Founder & President, Culture of Life Africa: 
Obianuju Ekeocha (Ms)

For Further information please contact the above via email: col.africa@yahoo.com

Saturday, 3 May 2014


If you are reading this, then you are well aware of the case between Bishop Campbell and Deacon Nick (the author of “Protect the Pope” website) both of the Diocese of Lancaster. Well, if you are not, get a summary here, here and here.

Let me first acknowledge that I am a huge admirer of the work of Deacon Nick and would love his “Protect the pope” website to continue the good work it does in service to God and the Church especially as we look forward to the Synod on the Family called by Pope Francis. I have no doubt that his website would add a veritable voice to the debate as we prepare for this Synod.
Unfortunately, I have been less than impressed with the manner in which the whole episode has been handled and I will lay no blame on either party as this has been a classic case of misunderstanding.
With all the information available to me as at “press time”, here are a few of my observations:
1.         I believe Bishop Campbell is a great admirer of the work Deacon Nick does, in his defense of the teachings of the Church and the Petrine office. I have seen no reason to suggest otherwise.
2.         Bishop Campbell’s reason (as stated in the press release) for his request for Deacon Nick to “pause” for a “period of reflection” is not entirely unreasonable.
3.         This same concern as expressed in the letter has also been expressed by some including myself on a few occasions on twitter. (and if my memory serves me correctly by @ccfather who has on about two occasions expressed similar concerns on articles posted on Protect the pope by Deacon Nick through his blog)
4.         Bishop Campbell has the right and a duty to encourage the “Unity of the Church in the service of the Truth”. This requires a great deal of “Charity” even  as he carries out the functions of his office to “Lead”, “Teach” and “Sanctify” the people under his care in the “One”, ”Holy”, ”Catholic” and ”Apostolic” Church.
5.         Deacon Nick for large parts has been great and as I have earlier expressed, is a great admirer of his work. I would like to see him blogging again and soon.
6.         Deacon Nick also needs to take on board some the concerns expressed by the Bishop through his staff as he would be aware of some them through his conversations with other faithful and orthodox Catholics on twitter.
7.     There is no credible report to suggest that Bishop Campbell allows known “dissenting groups or individuals” to mislead the people placed under his care in the Diocese of Lancaster, as some of the press report of this seems to implicitly suggest.
8.         Consequently, Bishop Campbell cannot be blamed if other Bishops in their Dioceses fail to carry out their duties diligently by allowing the said entities mentioned in 7. Above to mislead and scandalize their faithful.
9.         I am of the opinion that this (essentially) private conversation should not have been made public and should have been tactfully dealt with internally by both parties as this has led to the misunderstanding and misrepresentation that we now have.
10.     I am also of the opinion that Bishop Campbell has handled the situation very well and in good faith, but has been made to look bad as a result of the circumstances mentioned in 10. Above.
11.     This is not a criticism of Deacon Nick as he has also done nothing wrong in his work of Defending and Upholding the Truth contained in the Catholic Faith (just like his Patron Saint). We all are guilty of, (“myself included) sometimes straying into territories expressed in the concerns in 3. And 5. Above. But in the case of Deacon Nick because of the position he holds in the Diocese of Lancaster, it is entirely reasonable that the Bishop exercise some oversight in order to avoid fostering division within the “Body of Christ”

Tuesday, 15 April 2014

Prayer for Nigeria in Distress

All powerful and merciful father, you are the God of justice love and peace. You rule over all the Nations of Earth. Power and Might are in your hands and no one can withstand you. We present our country Nigeria before you. We praise and thank for you are the source of all we have and are. We are sorry for all the sins we have committed and for the good deeds we have failed to do.
In your loving forgiveness, keep us save from the punishment we deserve. Lord we are weighed down not only by uncertainties, but also by moral, economic and political problems. Listen to the cries of your people who confidently turn to you. God of infinite goodness, our strength in diversity, Our health in weakness, our comfort in sorrow, Be merciful to us your people. Spare this nation Nigeria from chaos anarchy and doom. Bless us with your kingdom of justice, love and peace. We ask this through Christ our Lord, Amen.